We know that life has challenges and we are here for you! VillaRamadas International Treatment Center, boutique clinics in the Center of Portugal.
Not all subjects who consume alcohol are alcoholics, that is, not all who drink need treatment. However, what distinguishes them from excessive consumers is that they tend to lose control of their behavior under the influence of this substance, with frequent memory loss.
In the treatment of depression, the first step is to make the patient stop denying it, wanting to control it, because this is impossible to happen.
There is a myth that it takes willpower and motivation to control an illness such as depression. People, in their good intentions, repeat to the person that he/she has to react, to be encouraged, to do and to happen. However, they do not know the dimension of the depressive's impotence to fulfill what they ask of him.
Work is one of the ways to exercise citizenship, so the negative effects of unemployment can be diverse. Many psychologists believe that occupation is associated with the worker's health, since it also means socialization, security, social recognition and can reinforce the worker's sense of control over his life. Thus, the absence of work added to the financial and social restrictions imposed in this situation can directly impact the emotions of the population.
Fear is part of life and from an early age, we are taught to live with it. Whether through stories or popular tales like the bogeyman or the big bad wolf, the objective is to put fear in children in order to prevent reckless attitudes and transmit moral teachings. Feeling fear is normal because, on balanced levels, it tells us how to act in certain situations.
Eating disorders are common in adolescence and early adulthood. They are related to a series of psychological consequences, such as anxiety and social pressures for the so-called “perfect body”. According to a survey conducted by the American Psychiatric Association, one percent of the world's population – about 70 million people – suffer from eating disorders.
The limits of obsessive-compulsive disorder are not always perceptible, as it is not about consuming or not consuming substances, buying or not buying this or that, taking medication or not taking it, being or not being in bed or on the sofa all day in depression, whether or not to surf the Internet for hours and hours. It's a matter of obsessively and compulsively seeking the "balance" in every task, in every gesture, in every reaction, in every space, in every context: at dawn, at dusk, day, night, during working hours, during periods of leisure, 24 hours of each day of the year.
Postpartum depression is much more than just passing sadness. It is a common disease - it affects between 20 to 35% of women - but serious, which can and should be treated. Not only because it can “steal” the mother of the opportunity to enjoy what is for many women one of the happiest moments in their lives, but also because it disturbs the well-being of the mother and possibly her baby.
It is known that, more than changing a behavior that has become a pattern, it is necessary to change the thoughts and feelings that are at the root of addictions. But it's not always easy and it's often necessary to seek expert help!