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Causes for drugs comsumption


Being classified as depressants, stimulants and hallucinogens or disturbers, drugs are substances likely to cause dependence. While some can be consumed under some control, others are more toxic and therefore more likely to have an addictive effect on those who ingest them. Thus, it is important to understand what types of drugs exist but, above all, what could be some of the causes that drive excessive consumption.

In this article, VillaRamadas Clinic seeks to note some factors that they can keep an eye on if they consider having someone close to them on the verge of creating an addiction due to drug consumption.

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Causes for drug use

There are currently three types of drug use identified: experimental use, recreational use and addiction. The first two, as the names indicate, are punctual situations, partly out of curiosity, sometimes out of a sense of fun in the immediate moment.

Alcohol is also considered an addictive substance. Alcohol is a drug that, although legalized and thus more accepted by society, creates the same dependence as illegal drugs. © Vinicius "amnx" Amano / Unsplash

Dependence consumption is the most worrying because it implies need, due to the frequency with which it begins to be done, and because it leads to suffering and loss of control of the situation. Although drug addiction is a treatable chronic disease, it is necessary to take into account some factors indicated as possible causes for drug consumption. They are:

  • Curiosity – punctual curiosity can lead to recreational consumption which, in turn, becomes a system and therefore an addition;
  • Feeling of need to change the state of mind to “escape” reality;
  • Family system and quality of relationships and interactions, namely unstable and destructive environments;
  • Mental disorders – the pre-existence of other disorders, such as anxiety or depression, is a factor for an eventual greater consumption of drugs;
  • Peer pressure to fit into a social perspective (more frequent in younger age groups);
Drug Use
© Mikail Duran/Unsplash
  • Social exclusion or situation of marginality;
  • Psychological dependence – when the person only feels good after taking drugs;
  • Physical dependence – happens when the consumption of drugs is frequent, leading to the suspension creating a withdrawal syndrome (hangover) and therefore enhancing continued consumption;
  • Properties of substances – some substances have a faster and more intense effect on the body, which is why they are a determining factor for excessive consumption;
  • Ease of access to addictive substances;
  • Genetic predisposition – according to some studies, the fact that having family members with a gender addiction can increase the risk of developing excessive consumption

If you realize that someone close to you faces several of these factors, and that it encourages situations of isolation and substance consumption, help them. At VillaRamadas Clinic we have professionals available to help you fight addiction, and also to help you better understand this health problem. Talk to us.

From recreational consumption to addiction


There is no number that can define the moment when the consumption of a substance changes from recreational use to excessive consumption and dependence. The fine line from occasional consumption to addiction always varies from person to person. There are people who have a predisposition to obsessive and compulsive behaviors.

Despite everything, it is consensual to say that substance addiction is a reality when there isexcessive consumption that creates situations of danger for the individual. In this way, we leave here the signs that indicate the paradigm shift, and that transform consumption into a case of addiction.

  • Loss of control over the volume of substance consumption
    • Constant thinking about using or getting the drugs
    • Unsuccessful abstinence attempts and successive relapses
  • Addict’s denial of the seriousness of the problem when faced with the situation
  • Inability to fulfill social responsibilities, whether on a personal or professional level
  • social isolation

Consequences of drug use

Drug Comsumption

Becoming a serious addiction in many cases, compulsion for drugs or other toxic substances leads to the lives of addicts being impacted in different areas. The price to pay, which is always high in any case of addiction, can be just one area of ​​life or several. Of the most visible consequences we highlight:

  • Physical ailments – malfunctioning of organs, from the heart to the liver and, of course, the brain;
  • Psychological diseases – most substances affect the brain, destroying neurons and reducing the ability to perform daily tasks;
  • Development of disorders such as anxiety or depression;
  • Isolation from family and society.

How to deal with drug use

As drug use is a driver of long-term addiction behaviors, it should be looked at carefully as it can lead to the development of chronic disease (addiction).

Thus, the best way to deal with drug abuse is to seek appropriate treatment. For the treatment to be efficient, and to really help the addict to recover a healthy and balanced life, it is necessary to have the will of the addict to start the treatment. Support from your closest nucleus can also help with the recovery process.


Treatment for excessive drug use should be carried out by a specialized, multidisciplinary medical team that articulates areas such as psychiatry, psychology, occupational therapy and social services. In terms of types of treatment these vary depending on the degree of development of the addiction; most treatments are carried out on an inpatient basis, but professional support is sometimes possible in consultations when an addiction is identified at an early stage.

At VillaRamadas Clinic there are professionals specialized in the treatment of various types of drug addiction, from alcohol to hallucinogenic or disturbing drugs. Contact us to find out more about our treatments and how we can help you or your loved one/friend.Asking for help is just the first step in recovery.


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