Depression and nostalgia are often confused between people.
However, these differ above all in terms of intensity and associated consequences. But after all, how are they distinguished?
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What are the differences between nostalgia and depression?
Nostalgia can be defined as “the joy of being sad” and is often associated with homesickness. Therefore, it is characterized by being transient and not interfering with the person’s normal life.
Depression, on the other hand, is a state of deep sadness, a feeling of emptiness and a loss of interest and motivation, even for something that was previously used to enjoy. It can arise due to some more negative event that happened on time, or it can be a chronic state of dissatisfaction with life. Little by little, it loses its color and the will to live goes astray. From here, the person easily closes in on himself, preferably in a dark place, with an inert body on a bed, isolated from a world that, in his eyes, makes him suffer. It may be a defense mechanism as a way to escape from more complex realities, a symptom of repressed anger or a tendency to just see the negative side of everything.
Not! Depression impairs different areas of your life, including your own functioning. That is, it distorts thoughts, alters attitudes and affects the body, making it more tired and unbalancing the person’s sleep and diet.
In terms of studies or work, your productivity is compromised, and the lack of motivation is evident. Depressed patients no longer care about their appearance, they have greater difficulty responding to stimuli and sudden and convulsive crying attacks, for no apparent reason, become part of the routine. Decisions become very heavy burdens, the sense of humor disappears and erroneous ideas – which for him constitute irrefutable truths – about himself are gaining ground. Lack of memory, anxiety, a certain nausea of living, apathy, irritability, guilt, hopelessness, emptiness, fear and guilt are transversal characteristics of any depressive, regardless of the type of depression: endogenous, exogenous, postpartum, among others.
There are different ways of expressing oneself, and it can develop in a more subtle or aggressive way, with greater or lesser duration and intensity. However, all depressed patients share the same tendency towards isolation and the conviction that no one cares and that the world would be better off without them. The associated suffering can reach such great proportions that the person feels unable to continue to exist. Therefore – and statistics do not lie – in a large percentage of completed or attempted suicides, there are clear signs of depression. Destructive attitudes are a logical consequence of those who feel they don’t deserve to live.
As engrossing as it may be, depression isn’t a lifetime, it’s just an illness that can be treated so you don’t have the last word.
If you identify with what was described, or know someone who may have these symptoms, please contact us.