In the treatment of depression, the first step is to make the patient stop denying it, wanting to control it, because this is impossible to happen.
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Above all, it is necessary to believe that acknowledging one’s powerlessness in the face of depression is not a sign of weakness, but of humility. This humility makes the depressive more open and receptive, which will allow him an easier integration of new ways of thinking and, therefore, of feeling.
In fact, the messages we convey to ourselves have an extremely significant impact on our emotions. Thus, externalizing emotions that have been repressed, whether through repressive education, fear, self-indulgence or to avoid conflicts, is essential to alleviate the person’s suffering.
Often, at the beginning of treatment, the patient does not know how to express himself, does not know how to identify his feelings or the situations and thoughts that give rise to them. The therapeutic team has a fundamental contribution in the mission of “freeing” the patient from their fears so that they can connect with their emotions. Only in this way is it possible to explore its origins and develop strategies adapted to each individual to better deal with their problems.
During treatment for depression, the individual begins to become aware of the importance of going against their own will when it does not meet personal change and growth. Behaviors begin to change and, consequently, thoughts that start to generate more positive and gratifying emotions.
Although negative emotions and thoughts sometimes arise and are adaptive in all human beings, they arise more often in depression. The main goal is to decrease their frequency and intensity so that it becomes possible to see the positive side of their surroundings, and of themselves.
Here at VillaRamadas we know exactly how to help you. Count always with us. We have the depression treatment that best suits your needs.
Good afternoon.
I’ve been struggling with depression for a while now, and outpatient treatments don’t seem to be working. I’ve read that even though your clinic is in Portugal, you offer treatments in English. Is this also the case for depression? How would the process work? Thanks.